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Do senses of guilt have anything to do with love?

The fingerprints reveal whether or not we have a tendency to feel guilty. In relationships experiences show that the sense of guilt is often considered to be a proof of love towards the betrayed partner.

As a matter of fact the persons themselves create the situations for which they feel guilty often without direct connection to the persons or environment near to them. In fact, often even if the love affair comes to an end, the quality of love to the betrayed husband or wife does not increase nor is it deeper or better than before, on the contrary! With other words: the sense of guilt and the love affair itself was probably just an issue of feeling more alive than without it.

Funny enough a similar effect occurs in case the betrayed partner leaves the cheating partner: in this case the latter could marry or live together with the lover, but strange enough this normally does not occur.

Therefore, do we really want what we think we want?

Invitation: Try to observe yourself or persons who are in these situations and let us know your experience.

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